Quality Enhancement and Sustainment is the goal of IQAC, which is part of the institution’s system. IQAC’s primary responsibility is to develop a system for improving institutions’ performance consistently and catalytically.
IQAC’s work is the first step towards internalizing and institutionalizing quality enhancement initiatives. Its success depends on how well it can instill a sense of belonging and participation in all its constituents. This will not be another hierarchical structure or record-keeping exercise in the institution. But this will be a participatory voluntary system of the institution that facilitates and participation.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of RJMCC was established on 23, June 2016
Rev. Jacob Memorial Christian College (RJMCC) was founded in the year 1997-98 by late Padmabhushan. Dr. Jacob Cherian under the aegis of the Christian Education Health and Development Society (CEHD), at Amblikkai, Dindigul, Tamilnadu.
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